Aspen’s Ironclad Lifetime Warranty

Aspen Contracting’s Ironclad Lifetime Warranty stands apart throughout the roofing industry as an exceptional safeguard for your investment. Unlike standard manufacturer or contractor warranties, our commitment shines with a no-nonsense lifetime guarantee on materials and labor. This dedication to excellence stems from our unwavering confidence in the quality of our workmanship.

  Aspen's Ironclad Warranty Standard Manufacturer Warranty Standard Contractor Warranty
Notification of Claim Easy - notify Aspen and we will fix immediately Difficult - written notice mailed to manufacturer within 30 days of discovery of leak or problems with proof of purchase. Also may require you submit, at your expense, samples of materials for testing and photos. Difficult when you can't reach anymore or only covers for a few years.
Unsure of Cause Aspen checks for free You have to prove it was from their products You have to prove it was from their installation
Improper Installation Covers Not covered Depends on what the issue is
Repair limitations None Labor rarely covered Materials rarely covered
Interior from Repair Covers Not covered Not covered
Expansion or Contraction of Counter Flashing & Metal Work Covers Not covered Not covered
Roof Size Limits No size limits 2,000 square feet or 5 years for a business to cover material and labor Usually only residential
Change in Building Usage Covers Not covered Not covered
Transfer to New Owner Covers the property with no fees and no transfer limits Maybe covered for a fee Not covered
Length of Warranty Lifetime of product on all materials supplied in job and includes all material and labor 3-10 years but does not cover underlayment, metalwork, flashings or other related work nor cost to remove or dispose of shingles 2-10 years

Here’s how Aspen Contracting’s Ironclad Lifetime Warranty Outshines the Competition:

  • Effortless Claims Process: If you ever face a problem, simply reach out to Aspen Contracting, and we’ll handle it promptly. No complicated paperwork or hoops to jump through. Standard warranties often burden you with complex written notices, proof of purchase, and expensive testing requirements.
  • Comprehensive Investigations: No guesswork involved! If the cause of an issue is unclear, Aspen Contracting will conduct a free inspection. With other warranties, you’re left to prove whether the defect is due to materials or installation, shouldering the burden and potential costs.

Premier Protection

Installation Peace of Mind

Aspen Contracting takes responsibility for any improper installations. This sets us apart from typical warranties that can leave you scrambling to resolve installation-related issues.

Full Repair Protection

No hidden costs or limitations! Aspen Contracting’s warranty covers repairs along with interior damage, while others often leave you footing the bill for labor, materials, and any additional damage.


We protect you from the unexpected. Our warranty remains valid despite unforeseen changes like building expansion, contraction, or even a change in building use—something standard warranties rarely accommodate.

Ownership Flexibility

Our Ironclad Lifetime Warranty transfers effortlessly to new owners, a boon to the value of your property. Standard warranties often involve fees or become void upon ownership changes. Not ours.

Aspen’s Ironclad Lifetime Warranty

Our Ironclad Lifetime Warranty provides unparalleled peace of mind and confirms our steadfast commitment to providing quality craftsmanship and complete customer satisfaction.